Art by Anne Stokes
"I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you and me in our darkest hours. To teach us how to live, to show us how to give, to guide us with the light of love. They wear so many faces, show up in the strangest places, and grace us with their mercy in our time of need. Oh, I believe there are angels among us." ~ from "Angels Among Us" by Alabama
Did you ever have a moment in your life when fear had a tight grip on you; a feeling where you couldn't see any way out, true hopelessness, complete failure wrapped itself around you and made you feel like you were suffocating, drowning, abandoned in the dark? Unfortunately, I am rather certain we all have had that awful experience. Yet, we are sharing this blog narrative, so we all somehow found a way to survive. There was always something or someone that came out of the shadows and guided us to a brighter place. That miracle, gift, helping hand or illuminated thought arrived just in time to rescue us. I believe that rescue was no coincidence, because I believe in the existence of angels. I also believe that angels are among us, perhaps we ourselves are angels. Let me explain.
"I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above. They come to you and me in our darkest hours. To teach us how to live, to show us how to give, to guide us with the light of love. They wear so many faces, show up in the strangest places, and grace us with their mercy in our time of need. Oh, I believe there are angels among us." ~ from "Angels Among Us" by Alabama
Did you ever have a moment in your life when fear had a tight grip on you; a feeling where you couldn't see any way out, true hopelessness, complete failure wrapped itself around you and made you feel like you were suffocating, drowning, abandoned in the dark? Unfortunately, I am rather certain we all have had that awful experience. Yet, we are sharing this blog narrative, so we all somehow found a way to survive. There was always something or someone that came out of the shadows and guided us to a brighter place. That miracle, gift, helping hand or illuminated thought arrived just in time to rescue us. I believe that rescue was no coincidence, because I believe in the existence of angels. I also believe that angels are among us, perhaps we ourselves are angels. Let me explain.
Art by Anne Stokes
Author, Dr. Doreen Virtue, has interesting ideas about angels. A highly respected psychologist, Virtue believes she has proven celestial intervention and also developed theories about our own individual souls and life missions. Although I am not certain about Virtue's theories, I do believe that our ability to share compassion and experiences with others is so strong, it can drive us to do amazing things for even strangers who need help. Inside, we all have an inner angel. Few I know can sit and endure someone in pain, be idle when we hear a cry for help or feel shallow coldness for someone who is suffering something we have survived. Is that part of some grand divine intervention beyond our understanding? Our humanity surely guides us, but why are acts of kindess seemingly rare or only triggered in certain situations? Is our own free will to blame for suffering, is there such a thing as karma and do we really get what we give? I wonder.
Art by Anne Stokes
This whole angel thing becomes rather complex when I think back to when I was a child. I confess, I think I may have encountered angels in my dreams. Entities I did not know, offering advice and guidance through difficult times. Whispers in my ear would come to me when I lacked the answer or reasoning to get through a sticky situation. A bold sign or symbol would appear at exactly just the right moment to remind me of specific wisdom I needed when I was tested beyond my ability. Where does all this come from? Is there really some guardian behind me, following me in spirit, shielding me with invisible wings? I wonder if there is some poor soul indentured to serve me for some unknown exchange or that perhaps a beloved relative, passed over, protects me. When I have discussed this with others, I find the most amazing confessions. I have encountered all my assumptions and more. It seems to happen to almost everyone. That can't be coincidence on such a mass level. With so much unexpected good around us, my beliefs have become even more solid that someone out there cares whether we make it or not.
As my years grow in number and my experiences amass, I have found my inner voice directing me in unusual ways. Like the story of the Miracle Worker, I find myself learning more by teaching others what I have already discovered. I come, sometimes unwelcome, pouring out information to guide, heal, protect, inspire and more. How did this come to pass, when did this change inside my conscience mind occur? Have I survived enough tragedy, scars and nightmares to finally earn my status as a guardian angel on earth? It may be possible. I have met such individuals who absolutely convinced me they were angels on earth. They were people who had experienced incredible horrors and somehow emerged into the light, intact. Amazingly, not all were silver haired elders, some where children, still others were peers and even pets. Each entered my path when I was lost, all left a lasting memory and an impression on my heart so vivid they changed my life. These souls surely must have been angels.
Art by Anne Stokes
I am, by nature, a creature of shadow. I can't imagine myself, after all I have learned and experienced, being a golden or white beacon of angelic light guiding anyone. After careful thought and extensive deliberation, I have decided that I am a grey guardian. Like the legend of Amzer, I will always walk between light and dark so I think that is the kind of angel I am. I always see the goodness around me when others see rebels and rockers, love to inspire and nurture unusual people and dark things to grow. Using my divinatory abilities, I work to help people make better decisions by providing the knowledge of choices and healing those consumed by in-trepidation by giving them the ability to see beyond their immediate situation, instilling hope. I mix potions to soothe a nightmare filled insomniac or ease a persistent cough. Each day, I try to give a helping hand wherever I see opportunity to say or do something supportive or encouraging. My black spirit wings spread behind me, I fearlessly walk among the monsters, embracing the feared and comforting the mad ones. This kind of realm, I understand. I dedicate myself to be a champion for those who dwell in the grey areas of life. I am both Angel & Demon. After all, what would heaven be for the tenebrous souls without a touch of shadow?

Art by Anne Stokes
Thank you Michael Stokes for being my inspiration!
Fantastic works!!